Complete Teams Process

This page is intended for GEM missionaries who are interested in partnering with GEM Teams through the Complete Team process. Along with handling the compliance paperwork process, GEM Teams will assign a Project Supervisor that will act as a liaison between you and the team. The Project Supervisor will provide pre-field, on-site, and post-field project leadership.


Project Registration

After the GEM missionary completes the online registration form, GEM Teams will work with you to arrange a site investigation to discuss your ministry, logistics, and the purpose of the short-term team. The cost of the site investigation is your responsibility. 



1) GEM Teams does all the pre-field preparation. We create the budget, work with you on the schedule, arrange meals, lodging and other logistical details. We’ll walk the team through their pre-field meetings and make sure they come ready to serve.

2) GEM Teams is responsible to collect, read and approve each volunteer application. The application process must be completed no later than 3 months prior to the project start date.

3) In coordination with you, GEM Teams will create a budget that covers the on-the-ground project expenses for the team (airfare is not included). Funds will be collected by GEM (including the 12% assessment), and GEM Teams will handle all payments and receipting for the project.



GEM Teams is primarily focused on meeting the needs of the ministry site. This means that we operate in partnership with long-term workers who set the ministry vision, goal and plan for the volunteer team. Our objective is to provide a well-prepared and equipped team to help you meet these ministry goals.

The assigned GEM Teams Project Supervisor will coordinate with you to set the schedule for the project, and will be on-the-ground for the entire project. Our presence frees you to focus on the ministry while we ensure that the team is well cared for both logistically and spiritually.



Follow-up is one of GEM Teams’ priorities. While we begin the debriefing process on the project, we continue to be in touch with team members (and ministry sites) long after the project ends. We work with team members to help them discover their role in the Great Commission.

To find out how you can partner with us, contact us at

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